Asalamu Alaikoom. It is with great honor to announce that Crescent View Academy’s teachers and students shined at the Denver Metro Regional Science and Engineering Fair (DMRSEF). Our students competed in the Junior Competition for middle schools against 155 projects presented by 175 students from 37 different schools in the Greater Denver Metro Area. We brought home the following awards:
Plant Sciences– 1st Place Hiba Aryan, 7th Grade – “Effect of Orsythia on Plants”
Earth & Environmental Sciences – 3rd Place Fatimah Hirbo, 6th Grade – “Are There Dangerous Levels of Lead in Local Soil?”
Engineering – 3rd Place Mohammad Bathhef, 8th Grade – “Hydropower Solutions in Rivers and Streams”
Furthermore, in the competition there were 34 Special Awards that were presented to over 60 students. We are proud to announce that our students were once again recognized with the following Special Awards:
Cherry Creek Stewardship Partners (Aurora Water) – Aleena Modak 6th Grade
Colorado Chapter of the Soil and Water Conversation Society – Fatimah Hirbo 6th Grade
The Denver Metro Regional Science and Engineering Fair (DMRSEF)was established in 1963 to give pre-collegiate researchers an outlet to engage their scientific interests and an opportunity to interact with professional researchers and scientists. Serving eight counties in the Denver metropolitan area (Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Jefferson, and Summit), the CoorsTek DMRSEF provides area middle school and high school students a vehicle to develop their scientific skillsets and an annual opportunity to present their research. All category winners of the CoorsTek DMRSEF are eligible to compete at the Colorado Science and Engineering Fair (grades 6-12). Senior (grades 9-12) “Best in Fair” winners represent Colorado at the prestigious Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).