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E-Learning Platform

Starting Monday, March 23rd, CVA will begin its e-learning program.  Teachers will be posting daily assignments and activities using Gradelink™, Google Classroom™ and Google Hangout™ and/or Google Meet™.   Please read and review the Crescent View Academy E-Learning Protocols, E-Learning Agreement and Google Classroom for Parents Handbook carefullyFamilies should ensure they have adequate internet access, devices, and a working printer. CVA teachers will make every attempt to stay within current schedule (see below).

CVA E-Learning Platform Frequently Asked Questions

COVID 19 and E Learning Platform Notice

CVA Online Learning Integrity Agreement

CVA eLearning Protocols

2020 Parents’ Guide to Google Classroom

COVID 19 and E Learning Platform Notice

Recommendations while at home:

  • Keep your child on a normal school schedule.  They should be prepared for class as usual and take their snack and lunch breaks as scheduled.
  • Imam ShemsAdeen will be delivering the morning dua every morning at 7:55 AM via phone communication.  Similarly, he will post religious guidance videos at least twice a week for you to watch with your children and discuss as a family.
  • We ask that everyone work together during these difficult and challenging times. Our administration and teachers understand there will be glitches, yet believe that Allah will help us by easing our minds and softening our hearts to make the best of this current situation.


As of March 18, 2020 and the executive order issued by Governor Polis, CVA will continue with the e-learning platform until April 17th.

If your child is going to be absent and not participating in the e-learning platform, please send an email to  He/She will be marked absent and will be required to complete the work missed.

For families with students in KG-4th, you should have recently received an email from Mrs. Mariam Sabr regarding your child’s school-issued email account. This account is needed to log into their Google Classroom.   Please make sure you have tried the account and that it works. If you experience any issues with the email, please contact  Also, CVA has a limited quantity of Chromebooks that we can lend to families with special circumstances. If you are in need of a Chromebook, please email and explain your situation.  We will do our best to provide the equipment when possible.

Answering Kids’ Questions About the Coronavirus

This video was created by Children’s Hospital Colorado


Resources from CDC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides Coronavirus 2019 guidance at a national / global level: