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Student Achievement

Crescent View Academy uses one of the most popular standardized assessments in the nation.  TerraNova™ Common Core, is a national achievement test that represents the only field-tested, valid, and authentic measure of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). It is available in the subjects of reading, English language arts, and mathematics for Grades 3-8.

TerraNova Common Core, which maintains the same high quality, validity, and innovation of TerraNova™, Third Edition, offers new content to meet the rigorous Common Core State Standards, standards that require students to engage in real-world, authentic tasks and experiences and to demonstrate a higher level of cognitive rigor to be proficient.  TerraNova Common Core meets the guidelines of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) – the two consortia responsible for developing a set of common assessments to measure student mastery of the CCSS as schools transition to CCSS.

TerraNova is used by the Department of Defense and several other states throughout the U.S.

Crescent View Academy takes pride in its students’ academic progress and success.  The academic school year 2017-2018 was the 4th year we implemented the Terra Nova 3rd Edition [Complete Battery: KG-2nd & Common Core: 3rd-8th] Standardized Test for our students.

  • 50% of reported grade level scores are above the 90th percentile
  • 17% of reported grade level scores are between 80th and 89th percentile

67% NP

  • 9% of reported grade level scores are between the 70th and 79th percentile
  • 7% of reported grade level scores are between the 60th and 69th percentile
  • 17% of reported grade level scores are below the 59% percentile
    • 13 out of the 36 (36%) who scored below 59% are new students ±1 year at CVA


Mastery Chart


NP Terra Nova 2016