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Student Clubs & Extra Curricular Activities

Student Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities 
ShemsAdeen Ben-Masaud, Student Affairs & Community Engagement

Crescent View Academy believes that every student should be given the opportunity to explore his or her personal interests and accordingly provides a wide range of clubs and activities to supplement the academic program and school mission. The following clubs
and activities are available to CVA students during the 2021–2022 school year:
Activities marked with an asterisk (*) are connected with classes offered during the school day. Other activities meet
before or after school. A complete description of activities and sponsors is available in the Activities Office.

CVA Mission Statement:

“Crescent View Academy’s private Islamic School’s mission is to provide a safe, nurturing and stimulating Islamic
atmosphere to enable students to achieve a solid foundation of Islamic understanding according to the Quran, and life of Prophet Mohamed (SAW) with a true since and pride of their Islamic identity. We want our students to achieve academic excellence and prepare our students to be morally and socially responsible citizens.”

Student Club Approval:
Establishing a student club at CVA is easy! Simply follow these steps and attaining approval from the office of student life:
• Fill out this form here
• State clearly your student club purpose
• Clubs must have at least 10 members
• Confirm student sponsor along with signature, meeting location, and meeting frequency (must meet at least twice a month).

Club Posters and Announcements:
Posters advertising events, meeting dates and times are permitted only on designated bulletin boards and must be
approved by the Activities Office. The procedure for posting advertisements is as follows:
• Create an attractive, spell-checked, computer-generated flyer,
• Flier should include, club name, sponsor, meeting location, dates and time.
• Obtain an approval stamp from the Activities Office
• Provide 10 copies of the flyer (note: an extra flyer may be requested for video advertising)
• Place the flyers in the Bulletin Boards tray on the wall of the Activities Office
• Flyers will be posted by a CVA faculty member or approved student representative

Conduct at CVA Activities and Events:
CVA  requests that you respectfully support the students clubs and activities in the following ways:
• Arrive on time for the activity
• All attendees are respectfully asked to maintain proper and respectful decorum in behavior and dress in accordance with Islamic values.
• Stay for the entire program
• Remain seated and quiet during the activity as appropriate
• Refrain from cell phone as much as possible use as it disrupts the use of microphones and speakers on the stage
• Respectfully acknowledge and recognize efforts, but do not yell or scream
• If you must leave, due to an emergency, please exit quietly and at an appropriate interval
• Please no food or drinks

CVA Elementary Student Clubs & Extra Curricular Activities: 

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CVA Middle and High School Student Clubs & Extra Curricular Activities: 



2018-2019 Extracurriculars: After School Program Activities 2018-2019 v.2

Participation Form: Extra Curricular Activity Form 18-19 (1)